HR Strategy

Get the tools and resources you need to confidently handle day-to-day employee relations issues like terminations, poor performance, and violations of company policy.

Manage Your Team's Performance

Strong performance management involves training, coaching, and correcting employees when needed, which is crucial for small businesses. Whether it's a coaching conversation, performance improvement plan, or final warning, the goal is to show that you have done all you can to create greater accountability, development, and engagement.

Managing employee performance effectively can include:
  • Setting clear expectations
  • Providing regular check-ins and feedback
  • Conducting performance reviews
  • Providing opportunities for coaching and professional development
  • Creating performance improvement plans
  • Plus more…

Terminate Employment Without Fear

At times, it may be necessary to end employment for various reasons. Whether attendance or performance issues, violation of company policies, or a changing business need, it's vital to handle terminations professionally and compliantly to avoid potential legal issues.

Terminating employment compliantly includes:
  • Understanding the risks involved
  • Communicating clearly and directly
  • Treating the employee with respect and dignity
  • Deactivating system access and collecting company property
  • Providing end-of-employment paperwork and information about final pay and benefits
  • Documenting the termination conversation
  • Plus more…

Improve Productivity and Prevent Escalation

Effectively handling employee issues when they arise is essential for maintaining a productive and positive workplace. Facing these situations head-on protects the business's interests, improves morale, and leads to greater success and sustainability.

It is important to:
  • Ensure employees have signed and are familiar with company policies
  • Address issues promptly
  • Speak privately to the employees involved
  • Document everything, especially employee statements
  • Follow a progressive discipline process (if applicable)
  • Provide training and support
  • Plus more…